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Write a letter ~ like this beautiful example ~ to a local newspaper, 

an elected official or the city planning department

...and don't forget to share on social media!

Opinion Letter Example.JPG

West Linn City Council

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John Floyd / West Linn Senior Planner

Waterfront Project Management Team


John prioritizes great communication, proactive citizen outreach, employee development and morale, and helping the West Linn City Council and community define and achieve their vision for the future. 


"We want to hear from as many folks as possible

about what you want to see the City working on."


"The Planning Commission greatly values citizen input

and welcomes ideas and opinions on how to keep West Linn livable."

"Water is a precious, limited resource that we need to protect.

By understanding how our water use impacts our land and waterways

we can make better choices to ensure a more sustainable quality

of life for ourselves; for the plants, fish and wildlife around us;

and for future generations across the Pacific Northwest."

  • The CCI serves to facilitate portions of the community's role mandated by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission, Goal 1 (OAR 660-015-000(1), relating to public involvement in all phases of the planning process. This is done by:

    • Promoting and enhancing involvement in land use planning as required by Oregon State Planning Goal 1;

    • Evaluating the citizen involvement process; and

    • Making recommendations to the City Council to improve the citizen involvement process.

  • CCI will also consider a broad range of issues affecting the livability and quality of the City's neighborhoods as they relate to the

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